Monday, August 22, 2011

First day poetray!

This morning was a seething mass
Of biking bodies, wilting grass,
Excitement, angst, joy, boredom, fear
And wishes for a nine-month year.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I've got a flaccid pussy whip

It would seem that mine is the kind of confidence that would have already earned me an infinitely-adoring pussy-whipped boyfriend--or at least a lengthy list of potentials--had I a vulva.

Instead, when my confidence meets my clit, it causes all the males to either a) curl up and whimper like little boys, b) scamper away like scared rats, or c) growl and hackle like caged mutts.


They just don't make 'em like they used to...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tough love

Sometimes I get caught in little spirals of self-loathing
And feel the need to give myself only the toughest love
For some bruises to poke to remind myself of my goals
And weaknesses.

I always manage to snap myself out of that
Purest ecstatic self-loathing masochism,
Buoyed by the realization that normally feels like a lead weight that
The world hasn't gone out of its way to do me that many favors.

So I remind myself to love myself gently and with tender care
And take some time to pumice the callouses
And tend to the whippings' wounds that we all know we all know
I don't pretend to be extra-martyrific

Because we're all trannies sometimes
And we all need some spiritual cuddle time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The five-month plan

H'okay, folks...we're coming down to crunch time here. Three semesters left, a twelve month lease, currently unemployed and in debt, single, and fresh off the island. What. To. Do.

Get moved in! Rent a truck, bust my ass, sort and shift, organize!!!

Get prepared for classes! Buy books, scout routes, write emails, seek advice.

Earn monies! Look at internship/hourly employment crossovers, pick up day labor on CL, get dressed to impress and put tire and sole (soul...) to concrete in order to suck it up and get it done the old fashioned way: a job.

Move and shake! Bike around Old Town at night, check out a new bar every week, attend free shows, go to events

Exercise! Rock climb, bike ride, walk jog run!

Aaaaand, somewhere down here towards the end of the list is "keep up with my blog". BUT, it made the list!

Honestly, I didn't even realize it would be five months until I counted. I just wanted it to be a reference to the five-year plan.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's official:

I suck at life. I'd make a bunch of excuses, but I won't. More when I get home; thanks, faithful readers!