Sunday, June 14, 2009

Since you've been gone...

(As I was trying to think of an appropriate title, the Weird Al Yankovich song of the same name popped into my head and wouldn't leave. "Since you've been gone, it's been like I've been getting tetanus shots every day. Since you've been gone, it's like I've got an ice cream headache that won't go away. Ever since the day you left me, I've been miserable my dear. I feel almost as bad as I did when you were still here." Classic.)

I've been having so much fun! Never has aimlessness been so rewarding. For a while there, I was worried that there was something fatally wrong with me preventing me from living with other human beings. So far, this has proven not to be the case! Living with Bridget has been a joy and a half. This house is amazing. Well, it's not really that amazing of a house, but the fact that it's ours for the summer is. Amazing, that is. We've made an absoulte minimal effort to look for jobs, but with our financial situation relatively stable, if a bit meager, there's little motivation to get up from cuddling and doing the whole housemarms thing.

I started a detox program a couple days ago, after getting tested (STD free!), getting my Adderall refilled, and cutting back on smoking. It's been ridiculously effective so far. The changes in my guts are quite noticable. The only thing that concerns me is my aches and pains. My left knee is acting up more than usual, and now my right one is starting to do the same. My right shoulder is acting up more than usual, and now my left is starting to do the same, and the pain is spreading up the left side of my neck as well. My guts have felt odd off and on, and I've had a bit of the runs. What I'm really hoping is that this is an indication of the efficacy of the detox, and that in a few days I'll feel better than I ever have. If not, it's back to the Dr.

That's all I've got for now!

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